Saturday, 30 July 2011

Too fast, too furious

I bought my Diana F+ camera one year ago with the goal to take great pictures and in the future,to take an analogic photograph course, but I don´t know why I abandoned it at home for so long...
Bringing up my half of the year resolutions (*), I told myself that I should know how to use it very soon.
And then,  I started searching the web to get information. At last, I found the posibility of Lomography workshops (organized  here in Madrid, to train a little with my beatiful Diana F+.
So last Saturday, I woke up early (really early for someone who danced all night night long the night before...), and left for the biggest Car scrap site in Europe (Desguace La Torre in Madrid) to take pictures.
Of course, I´m so clumsy with technology, even if we´re talking about analogic technoclogy, that I have to thank the teachers to be so patient with me. And I have my first Lomo experience. Great people, and great experience (I´d never go to car scrapon my own for example...).
And..., my pics!, I consider I took a few good ones, the rest, I have to polish the technique.
So, now,  all that´s left is taking pictures...

When you make your New Year´s resolutions, you never imagine that when July comes thay´ll be still resolutions and no facts...
That´s why I use to reevaluating my resolutions when half of the year past, in order to accomplish some of them by the end of December.