Thursday 21 June 2012

Cooking for friends: Spinach and goat cheese creps

I really wanted to eat some creps lately! So, with the excuse of Isa coming home for lunch, I decided to release some stress and cook.
This is nobady´s recipe, I mean, it´s just mixing some ingredients together that I knew they would matched.
First you have to prepare the creps, and then you can fill them in with whatever you want. In this case, some onion lightly fried with spinach and goat cheese. Then I used an instant peppercorn sauce (a bit of cheating...) and gratined them in the oven. And..., enjoy!

(And for dessert, nothing better than "panqueques con Dulce de leche", typical dessert from my country: just a crep filled with dulce de leche)

Spinach and goat cheese creps
For the creps:
-2 large eggs
-500 cc milk
-1 tablespoon Butter
-150 grs flour
Mix the eggs with the milk and add the flour, stir only for a few seconds, then add the melted butter. Use a pan with a little butter on it and put 1-2 tablespoons of the mix on it, spread it and let it cook until it´s firm, the flip it over and cook it o the other side for a few seconds.
For the filling:
-1/2 small onion
-half zucchini
-200 grms spinach
-1 tablespoon olive oil
-pepper, salt, oregano, nutmeg
-50 cc cream
In a saucepan put the olive oil and cook the onion with a sprinkle of salt till it´s golden, then add the zucchini cut in small cubes. Cook until it´s tender, and added the spinach (it´s really magical the way spinach leaves kind of melt!). Season to taste. And add the cream.
Put 2-3 tablespoons of filling into the crep, add the goat cheese, roll it, and put it on a tray. You can use whatever sauce like, spread some grilled parmesan cheese on top. Cook it in the oven for 15 minutes. And...bon appetit!

the creps!

the filling!

ready for the oven...

ready to eat!

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