Sunday 11 March 2012

DAY 65: Lets go for a walk in the garden of Eden...

Today I went to Kew Gardens.

I love it!
What else can I say?
It was a sunny day, trees were starting to bloom, lovely!

I visited the victorian glass greenhouses. In the Palm Tree house, I melted a little, but it´s realy impressive to see palm trees really old, and one them it´s blooming, and then, it will be dead when it finishes, but it was there for years and years. The green houses are so beatiful, and the sunlight came in so smoothly.

I also liked the Princess of Wales greenhouse, where you can passed from one climate to another only with crossing a door (there´s 7 different environments), with a carnivore plants room and orchards room as well.

The water lillies House was closed until April, I really was sad to missed it!

The garden itself, whit its views where you can walk over the grass, the different trees and flowers (and a wonderful perfume), the Kew Palace and the Pagoda was so beatiful and relaxing.

The Treetop walk, I think it was impressive, but I suffered a lot walking it! I´m really afraid of heights, and it was a long half an hour to me (normal people can make in 15 minutes). But very nice views.

I love it. But apart from being a beatiful place, they make such a wonderful research and conservation work. 

And now, I want to visit in the summer!

Palm House

Temperance house

Alpine house

Kew Palace

Treetop walk

The Pagoda


  1. Kew Gardens is magical place!

    1. I know, and it must be different every season, that means I shall be back!
