Tuesday 10 January 2012

DAY 4: a little sun in the sky

Today, everything looked a little brighter. I even got a bit of sunshine when entering a patient´s room, which made my day. And I realized that you can see the Big Ben and the London Eye from the hospital. You can even see the Battersea Power Station in Chelsea. Nice.

Tomorrow, if God helps me, I´ll move!!!
I´m excited.
And I want to get off that hostel.

OK, my English stayed the same today, but. Now I know how to move at least around the Haematology part of the Hospital (really, a lot of parts scattered along the entire building).

Today I was in the Department meeting, where they made a small report of every patient, and then the Ward-round marathon. Call me Grandma, my my back is killing me...
Always there has to be a funny thing happening to me, today, while I was waking with the other doctors in Ward 10 W, I found a Cardiologist that used to work in my hospital in Madrid. I stopped to speak to him, and I lost side of the other doctors. I looked for them, but it was impossible to find them. So, I gave up looking my search and went to have lunch and try to solve my accomodation problems.

In the afternoon, more ward-round.

Ahhhhh!, today, I have no plans of walking down to Candem. I´ll take the bus. I deserve it.

I was thinking: this weekend, if everything urns out OK, I´ll make my "London for tourists day".
Because, living in a city makes you lazy about going around sightseeing.
"Traveling-to-a-place energy is no the same as living-in-a-place energy", as Elizabeth Gilbert says in Eat, Pray, Love while she is living in Rome.

I´ll try to keep my traveling-to-a-place energy running this time, I promise.

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