Tuesday 17 January 2012

DAY 9: British Sunday

I´m so clumsy with technology that I couldn´t make the USB stick by myself. Then, I had to walked to Candem again, to the T-mobile store, where they didin´t have any trouble at all, making it work (why I´m not surprised?).
I visited the Inverness Market in Candem, such beatiful stuff, and old analogue cameras (you see, I´m controlling myself, I can´t buy everything!).
And bought some stationary I needed.
Climbed my way back. And make a left turn at the end to visit Hampstead Heath and get a glimpse of that British sun. Great day! (for London, of course). It was really frosty. Lots of kids playing, hand-in-hand couples, and families walking around.
In the pond, there was the funniest dog, chasing the ducks and eating the bread someone had thrown to the swans.

It was a perfect picture. I walked the hill, but then, decided to come back home, it was really cold.

Bought a a delicius Lemon Drizzle cake at M&S´s, and had my tea. The rest of the afternoon I spent it reviewing Lymphomas. So that was my British Sunday.

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